Scumbling is a painting technique for adding a layer of broken, speckled, scratchy colour over another colour Bits of the lower layer of colour show through the scumbling. The result gives a sense of depth and color variation to an area.
Glazing is a technique employed by painters since the invention of oil painting. Although in theory it is very simple, in practice glazing can be a very complex undertaking. In the simplest terms, glazing consists in applying, usually with a wide, soft-bristled brush, a transparent layer of paint over another thoroughly dried layer of opaque paint.
A paint colour is said to be opaque when it hides what's underneath it, when you can't see any or much of what's beneath the colour. Some pigments are extremely opaque such as titanium white and cadmium red other pigments are semi opaque such as zinc white.
transparent painting techniques such as glazing and colour washes to achieve color depth multiple layers of translucent or transparent color that give the illusion of three dimensions and luminescence areas of light showing through the paint .
Both techniques are highly effective in achieving heightened or beyond real realism in painting. Transparent painting techniques are also employed in other art styles to add interesting light and overlay effects.